광주시는 ‘2007광주세계여성평화포럼’을 치를 자격이 없습니다.
The Gwangju Metropolitan City Government doesn't deserve holding '2007 World Women's Peace Forum Gwangju'.

시청 여성노동자들의 눈물을 외면한 ‘2007광주세계여성평화포럼’은 껍데기다.
'2007 World Women's Peace Forum Gwangju' ignoring tear of female workers of the city government is only a shell.

시청 여성노동자들의 생존권 투쟁에 전세계 여성들의 연대를 호소합니다.
All the women from around the world! We appeal you to join our struggle for livelihood.

우리는 3월8일 새벽, 광주시청이 저지른 인권유린, 폭력만행을 기억한다.
We vividly remember how cruelly the Gwangju city government violated our human rights and how violently it oppressed us early morning on March 8th.

2007광주세계여성평화포럼 예산 10억 = 비정규직여성노동자 100명 1년 임금
The budget for '2007 World Women's Peace Forum Gwangju' is one billion won(one million dollars), which is equivalent to one year of 100 irregular female workers's wage.

언제 해고당할지 모르는 여성노동자들에게 평화와 인권은 없다.
Who can say there is 'Peace and Human Rights' in irregular workers who are at the brink of being fired.

시청여성노동자들의 절규를 외면한 2007세계여성평화포럼은 껍데기다.
'2007 World Women's Peace Forum Gwangju' ignoring the desperate shout of city government's female workers is only a shell.

한 달 월급 70만원, 고용불안 계약직에 평화와 인권을 없다.
Who can say there is 'Peace and Human Rights' for contract workers getting only 700,000won(700 dollars) wage in unstable working environment.